German B1 exam in 14 Days – The Results


The B1 exam, the third level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), marks a significant advancement in a learner’s journey through the German language.

Achieving B1 certification attests to intermediate language skills and means you can now understand the main points in various contexts and engage in conversations about everyday situations, typically encountered when traveling or living in Germany and other German-speaking countries.

Passing the exam demonstrates you can also talk about topics of personal interest, write simple connected texts, and describe your experiences and opinions. 

This level is crucial not just for language proficiency but also holds practical significance in daily life.

Why do you need a certificate for the B1 German exam?

The B1 certificate holds unique value compared to A1 and A2 exams. Not only does it mark a milestone in your competence, but it can also expedite the process of obtaining German citizenship, reducing the required residency period from 7 to 6 years.

Sometimes you also need to cover this level in order to attend a prep course (Studienkolleg) to qualify for admission to university in Germany.

Moreover, the B1 German exam is often the benchmark for completing integration courses, demonstrating the ability to handle most situations in everyday life, such as visiting the doctor or navigating travel.

To prepare for the B1 exam, understanding the format and requirements is essential. The exam typically involves oral examination and written components, assessing a candidate’s ability to comprehend standard input, and express themselves on familiar matters relating to common situations.

Preparation time varies, and while intensive courses claim to achieve B1 proficiency in six months, the duration can vary based on factors like the frequency of instruction and the candidates’ individual learning styles.

You can learn more about my B1 German course here.

The Parts of the Written and Oral Exam

The Goethe B1 exam covers Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking, with multiple sections to comprehensively assess language proficiency.


The Reading Section involves five parts, with various formats to evaluate understanding and interpretation skills. From true/false statements in response to a blog entry to completing sentences based on short press reports, the exam tests candidates on diverse topics such as German language courses and opinions on controversial issues.

At the end of all five parts, you have five minutes to copy your answers to the answer sheet.


The Listening Section, lasting 40 minutes, exposes candidates to different speakers, accents, and language registers. Divided into four parts, it includes monologues, guided tours, conversations, and radio discussions. The realistic recordings vary in context, offering a range of scenarios such as answering machine messages, traffic updates, and radio weather forecasts.


The Writing Section, lasting 60 minutes, consists of three tasks.

Task One involves writing an email on familiar topics covering specific points, emphasizing structure and presentation.

Task Two requires expressing views on a given topical issue, based on a TV discussion program scenario.

Task Three entails writing a short email excusing oneself from a meeting, simulating a scenario with a course organizer.


The Speaking Section, with a total duration of 15 minutes, involves collaborative conversations between two candidates where they should be able to make short statements and give explanations.

In Part One, candidates deal with tasks such as arranging a hospital visit for a classmate or buying a birthday gift for a friend.

Part Two requires delivering a short presentation on a current topic, using provided slides.

Part Three involves reacting to feedback, answering questions, and providing feedback on the presentation given by your speaking partner.


In the pursuit of B1 proficiency, resources such as sample papers, videos of B1 exams, and private lessons can be valuable. Goethe Institut is an exam centre that offers standardized assessments that align with the CEFR.

Ultimately, reaching the B1 level is an accomplishment that opens doors to increased fluency, cultural integration, and a deeper connection with the German-speaking world.

German B1 in 14 days?

Yesterday I picked up Ewelina’s B1 exam results. They felt sorry for Ewelina having missed passing the exam by 10 points.

I smiled, however, as I knew that she had achieved something incredible nevertheless, as she had only learned German for 14 days, of which 4 days she couldn’t work fully or even at all and had only had 30h of instruction.

Here are her results:

German B1 exam in 14 Days – The Results

To pass the test, you need to pass the two parts separately: the written and the oral exam. To pass each part, you have to achieve a certain minimum amount of points (60%).

Ewelina reached 125.5 points in the written part, but would have needed 135 points to pass that part. The “Sprachbausteine”, which is a really tough exercise for anyone taking that exam, and the writing, which we calculated to be her weakest skill, were the only parts where she failed.

Her reading skills (60%) and listening skills (73%) were more than sufficient and the oral exam she passed also with an overall score of 84%. If she took the B1 exam again she wouldn’t have to redo the oral part.

Even calculating all her points together she would have passed that exam if it wasn’t for that rule above. One needs at least 180 of 300 points to pass and Ewelina had an overall score of 188,5.

You judge these results for yourself. I can just tip my hat to Ewelina’s commitment and achievement. I haven’t seen anything like this in over 14 years in the job. Chapeau, Ewelina.

As I can only assume what would have been if Ewelina hadn’t become sick during the project, and after having analyzed with her the weak spots of the project, I can assure you that if you bring the right motivation and skill with you, passing the B1 exam from scratch in just 14 days is possible if you do it the right way.

It goes on…

Of course, we are both aware that passing an exam is not the same as really being eloquent on that level. Ewelina stated in the first follow-up video after the exam that she felt confident about being at A2 and not yet sure about her B1 skills.

But it certainly surprised her that she was better than she had thought. By now she surely would pass the B1 exam with ease and feels a lot more confident about her German.

Personally, I have learned a lot from these 14 days that I can already integrate into my daily work. So, from my point of view, these results just put the cherry on the cake. I am amazed and will now focus on creating my German learning platform.

I want to thank you, Ewelina, for participating this fully despite all hindrances and for performing splendidly. It was a challenge and we have mastered it well. Dziekuje Ci.

And my warmest regards to you, dear blog reader and German learner, who has followed us on this exciting and challenging journey. I hope that our work has given you confidence in your task to learn German. You see it is not as difficult as it might seem.

Admittedly, only few will ever learn German in 14 days, but it is possible and even if you manage to reach B1 in three to six months, it is all in all a huge achievement.

I wish you all viel Erfolg with your German exam and wish you all the strength and discipline you need to win this challenge.

Michael Schmitz

Find Out More about B1 exam in 14 days

If you have missed the project or would like to review it from the beginning to the end, go to this playlist on my YouTube channel. You will find all videos that we have made during the project in order.

FAQs: German B1 Exam the Common European Framework of Reference

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the B1 German language exam and the CEFR.

What is the B1 level German exam?

The B1 level German exam demonstrates language proficiency at an intermediate level. It assesses the ability to understand clear standard language on familiar topics such as leisure time and school.

Successful completion indicates competence in handling daily situations in German-speaking countries, making individuals independent users of the German language.

What does CEFR stand for?

CEFR stands for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is a standardized framework that provides a way to describe foreign language competencies at various levels.

The CEFR outlines a learner’s level of competence laid out in a six-level scale from A1 (beginner) to C2 (proficient), offering a common basis for assessing language skills across different languages and contexts.

Summing Up: German B1 exam in 14 Days

Successfully passing the B1 exam demonstrates the ability to engage in conversations on familiar topics, navigate daily situations in German-speaking countries, and express opinions. Understanding the exam’s structure and preparing for its diverse sections is essential.

Michael Schmitz’s innovative approach showcases exceptional results, challenging the conventional timeline for B1 preparation.

If you’d like to start preparing for your B1 exam, come join us at SmarterGerman today!