How to Easily Count to 100 in German

How to Easily Count to 100 in German

In order to learn to count to 100 in German quickly, you really want to compare the German numbers with the English ones. Let’s do that first.

The German Numbers from 0 to 10

To begin with, here are the German numbers from 0 to 10:

null – zero / nill

eins – one

zwei / zwo – two

drei – three

vier – four

fünf – five

sechs – six

sieben – seven

acht – eight

neun – nine

zehn – ten

Take a closer look at the German numbers above and compare them to their English counterparts. Pretty straightforward, right! Even a single common letter can help greatly remembering them.

In order for you to learn how to pronounce the numbers, we’ve created a special song for German learners that want to learn to count to 100 in German. You can sing along with us here. Don’t worry, it’s a cool song. No guitars involved.

The German Numbers from 11 – 20

In the song you’ll also see the German numbers from 11-20 and beyond. Let me write them down for you first and then show the logic behind their construction. The dots I put between them is just for your better understanding. All numbers are written in one piece. E.g. drei.zehn is actually written: dreizehn.

elf – eleven

zwölf – twelve

drei.zehn – thir.teen

vier.zehn – four.teen

fünf.zehn – fif.teen

sech.zehn – six.teen

sieb.zehn – seven.teen

acht.zehn – eight.teen

neun.zehn – nine.teen

zwan.zig – twen.ty

The Logic Behind the German Numbers from 11-20

11 – elf comes from “eins” + “lif” which means “left” so

12 – zwölf means what? Correct: zwo lif = two left

All the other numbers are formed by bringing together the first four letters of the basic 3 to 9 numbers and the word zehn meaning ‘ten’.

13 – dreizehn well, the only thing to keep in mind here is that we read from right to left like in English and that “thir” = “three”

16 – sechzehn is a bit special as it loses the -s- of the “sech.s” – and remember: 6 ≠ sex when it comes to pronunciation. The German “s” at the beginning of a word is always spoken like an English “z”

17 – siebzehn also loses something, the -en from “sieb.en”.

20 – The German “z” is often a “t” in English, not always unfortunately. zwo = two, zwölf = twelve, zwanzig = twen.ty

The intermediate numbers between 20 and 100 follow the pattern of saying the second digit first, so it’s literally saying: “one and twenty” (21), “two and thirty (32),” “eight and sixty” (68), and so on.

Finally: How to count to 100 in German

All following full tenners beginning with 20 end in -zig (with the exception of 30) which is basically corresponding with the -ty in English tenners. Take a look:

30 – drei.ßig – this is likely due to German pronunciation rules as it is really difficult to say “drei.zig” (=dry tsich)

40 – vier.zig

50 – fünf.zig

60 – sech.zig again we lose the -s of the “sech.s”

70 – sieb.zig also here the “sieb.en” loses it’s -en

80 – acht.zig

90 – neun.zig

100 – zehn.zig – naw. Just kidding. 100 is of course hundert. Do you see the similarity to the English word “hundred”?

How to Say “One” in German: Ein, Eins, Eine, Einen, Eines, Einer, or Einem?

The German number “one” is the only number that requires modification when it serves as an indefinite article. Apart from German, several other languages also use “one” as an indefinite article. Some examples include:

French: “Un” is used as the indefinite article for masculine nouns, and “Une” for feminine nouns.

Spanish: “Uno” is used for masculine singular nouns, and “Una” for feminine singular nouns.

Italian: “Uno” is used for masculine singular nouns, and “Una” for feminine singular nouns.

Portuguese: “Um” is used for masculine singular nouns, and “Uma” for feminine singular nouns.

In English, the concept of “one” is conveyed through three words: the numerical “one” itself or the indefinite articles “a” or “an,” indicating singularity. For example:

  • “I have one brother.”
  • “I have a sister.”
  • “I have an apple.”

German navigates these expressions through variations of “ein” and “eins.” When quantifying something, such as determining the number of individuals in a group, the form “eins” is consistently employed, as illustrated in the table above.

Conversely, when referencing anything else, the form “ein” is utilized along with its case-dependent variations. For instance:


  • Masculine: ein Bruder (“a brother”)
  • Neutral: ein Auto (“a car”)
  • Feminine: eine Schwester (“a sister”)


  • Masculine: einen Bruder
  • Neutral: ein Auto
  • Feminine: eine Schwester


  • Masculine: einem Bruder
  • Neutral: einem Auto
  • Feminine: einer Schwester


  • Masculine: eines Bruders
  • Neutral: eines Autos
  • Feminine: einer Schwester

While a comprehensive exploration of each case is beyond the scope of this article, it’s essential to grasp that numerical counting involves the use of pure numbers, while everyday conversations employ “ein” and its variations. Other numbers, such as “two” or “three” in German, remain unaltered without the need for modifications.

Similarities with English

Some number words in German closely resemble their English counterparts and can be easily remembered. For instance:

  • “Hundred” is “Hundert” in German.
  • “Thousand” is “Tausend” in German.
  • “Hundred Thousand” is “Hunderttausend” in German.
  • “Million” remains “Million” in both English and German.

The two languages share their Germanic roots, so these are easy to translate and remember for English speakers trying to learn German numbers.

The Only Difference in the Basic Patterns

The only distinction from English is the placement of ones before tens in German. Consequently, instead of saying “eighty-two,” you would articulate it as “zweiundachtzig” – literally translating to “two-and-eighty.”

Numbers in German • Game: Play Free Online

The German Tongue Twisters

That was the easy part. Now comes a bit of a challenge but not necessarily when it comes to pronouncing the German numbers but rather by deciphering them. Let’s take a look at the twenties:

21 – in English: twenty one – Wow, so easy, right? But in German we say one.and.twenty = ein.und.zwan.zig. and so on:

22 – two.and.twenty = zwei.und.zwanzig etc pp. quick check of the numbers 26 and 27:

26 – sechs.und.zwanzig and as you can see the “sechs” doesn’t lose it’s -s like it did with 16 and 60.

27 – sieben.und.zwanzig also here doesn’t lose the -en of the “sieb.en”.

But that’s about it. I hope you see that there’s not really much new here other than of course the pronunciation of German numbers and a few special cases which are also not too difficult to remember. With a bit of practice and with help of our lovely song you’ll soon have no problem to count to 100 in German. And as a little bonus information here some numbers until 1 billion (the English billion, not the German one):

200 – zwei.hundert

600 – sechs.hundert

700 – sieben.hundert

999 – neun.hundert.neun.und.neunzig

1000 – tausend notice any similarities ot the English word thousand.

1001 – tausend.(und).eins the “und” is not necessary but not wrong

1021 – tausend.ein.und.zwan.zig

1999 – tausend.neun.hundert.neun.und.neun.zig

10.000 – zehn.tausend

99.999 – neun.und.neun.zig.tausend.neun.hundert.neun.und.neun.zig

100.000 – hundert.tausend

1.000.000 – eine Million – eine Milliarde (not Billion, that’s American English, folks) – eine Billion (easy to remember as “bi” means “two” and here we got two times one million = bi.(mi)lion. Clear? – eine Billiarde and that’s the pattern for a while: every 1000x you alternate between -ion and -iarde. How far out can you get?

And now that you know how to count to 100 in German you are ready to take on the challenge of how to tell the time in German. Check out my article on that topic here.

I hope you enjoyed this short and easy German lesson on how to count to 100! And I hope you know by now that you can always count on SmarterGerman 😉

Fun Ways to Practice Numbers and Counting

For enjoyable ways to reinforce your counting skills, you can try to integrate counting into your routine by counting steps in German while going up or down stairs. Boost memorization by associating numbers with melodies. Explore videos with catchy tunes to make the sequence of numbers more memorable.

During workouts, especially when counting reps and sets, practice German counting mentally or aloud. It’s a productive way to focus on physical improvement while enhancing language skills.

You can also engage in online games, puzzles, and quizzes to make learning German numbers entertaining and interactive. Explore various platforms that offer opportunities to test and reinforce your knowledge.

FAQs about the German language and numbers

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about German numbers and counting in German.

Why learn the numbers first in a new language?

Learning numbers first in a new language is essential as they form the foundation for various daily interactions, from telling time to shopping and counting money. Mastering numbers early helps deal with situations you encounter on a daily basis and lays the groundwork for more advanced learning.

How do Germans count numbers?

German numbers follow a very logical pattern. They form larger numbers by combining the basic numbers and recognizing the pattern in the teens, tens, and beyond.

Are German numbers easy to learn?

Yes, German numbers are relatively easy to learn. Once you grasp the basic pattern and understand the formation rules, learning German numbers becomes an essential part of everyday life in Germany.

How can I understand numbers when watching German films in the original language?

To understand numbers when watching German films in the original language, focus on improving your listening skills through regular practice. Watch video content with English or German subtitles, and also consider language learning apps with audio exercises. Additionally, familiarize yourself with German number patterns, practice counting, and reinforce your skills with interactive exercises.

Summing Up: How to Easily Count to 100 in German

By comparing German and English numbers, recognizing patterns, and delving into pronunciation nuances, learners can effortlessly grasp the counting system. The comprehensive guide includes a catchy song, logical explanations and memorable examples that make counting a manageable feat. Embrace this entertaining journey to fluency, and soon, this part of German vocabulary will be second nature, thanks to the SmarterGerman approach.