Category: living in Germany

Bavaria Switching Official Language From”Hochdeutsch” To “Bairisch” In Bold Move

For those among you that were asking themselves “should I learn a German dialect or standard German...

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The Most Spoken Languages in Germany

Germany is known for being an economic powerhouse and having a rich cultural heritage. As a result,...

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Polonäse Blankenese

An interesting phenomenon I discovered in Germany is a particular compulsion and connection to a processional circle...

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Treppenwitz is a German word (derived from the French l’esprit de l’escalier) which literally means ‘staircase joke’....

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German in Germany: de-active listening

It’s Christmas, my first Deutsche ‘Weihnacht’, and the Germans are all talking … German. This is it....

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Par for the Course: How Learning German is Like Perfecting Your...

You'll learn the most important golf terms in german and find out how learning to perfect your...

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Happy birthday in German & German customs and traditions

I am sure that you have already been invited to a birthday party or to a wedding....

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Learning German With Music

Learning German with music is one of the greatest ways to make vocab stick to your brain,...

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10 Ways to Incorporate German Culture into Your Online Learning Experience

When it comes to learning German, a language with a fascinating history and vibrant traditions, incorporating German...

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Teaching English in Germany

I was teaching a group of engineers in Düsseldorf—my first group class—and there is nothing more German...

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